www.eco4.agency - Eco4 Agency
Posted 18/11/2023 by Martin Smith

The Eco4 Grant Scheme - What is it?

The Eco4 Grant Scheme - What is it?

About The Eco4 Grant Scheme

The Eco4 Grant Scheme is an initiative aimed at promoting energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions in the UK. 

It is the latest phase of the Energy Company Obligation (ECO), a government-mandated program that requires larger energy companies to fund energy efficiency initiatives.

The main goal of the Eco4 Grant Scheme is to support the retrofitting of low-carbon measures in private sector households. 

This includes measures such as insulation, air source heat pumps, and other renewable heating systems. 

The scheme aims to benefit 450,000 households by helping them reduce running costs, lower carbon emissions, and improve associated health problems.

One of the key changes in the Eco4 Grant Scheme is the shift towards renewable energy sources and away from traditional gas heating systems. 

Properties that are currently heated with electricity are expected to benefit from the installation of air source heat pumps or other renewable heating systems as part of the energy efficiency measures.

Another important aspect of the scheme is the new minimum requirement. 

A package of energy efficiency measures installed in eligible properties must achieve a two-band increase in Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating, for example, from an E to a C. 

This ensures that the fabric of the building is considered first before other energy efficiency measures are installed.

Eligibility for the Eco4 Grant Scheme is open to both privately owned and rented properties, as long as they have an EPC rating of D to G and one of the occupants receives means-tested benefits or is on a low income. 

Social housing properties also qualify for support, regardless of personal circumstances, if the property is E, F or G rated.

To achieve the goals of the Eco4 Grant Scheme, energy suppliers are required to achieve £224 million of annual bill savings for customers over the four-year period, with a budget of £4 billion for installation costs. 

This includes the installation of 90,000 solid wall measures and flexible eligibility options, where local authorities can define specific criteria for eligibility.

Overall, the Eco4 Grant Scheme represents a significant step towards achieving the country's decarbonisation objectives. 

By providing free support and implementing a whole-house retrofit approach, the scheme aims to improve energy performance, reduce running costs, and contribute to the UK's transition to a low-carbon future.

Overview of the Eco4 Grant Scheme

The Eco4 Grant Scheme is a government initiative in the UK that aims to promote energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions. 

This program is part of the Energy Company Obligation (ECO), which requires larger energy companies to fund energy efficiency initiatives. 

The main goal of the Eco4 Grant Scheme is to support the retrofitting of low-carbon measures in private sector households.

The scheme focuses on measures such as insulation, air source heat pumps, and other renewable heating systems. 

By helping households reduce their running costs and lower carbon emissions, the scheme aims to improve the overall energy efficiency of these properties and address associated health problems.

One significant change in the Eco4 Grant Scheme is the shift towards renewable energy sources. 

Properties that are currently heated with electricity will benefit from the installation of air source heat pumps or other renewable heating systems. 

This transition away from traditional gas heating systems aligns with the UK's decarbonisation objectives.

To be eligible for the scheme, privately owned or rented properties must have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of D to G. 

Additionally, at least one occupant must receive means-tested benefits or be on a low income. 

Social housing properties also qualify for support, regardless of personal circumstances, if the property is rated E, F orG.

Energy suppliers are required to achieve £224 million of annual bill savings for customers over the four-year period. 

A budget of £4 billion is allocated for installation costs. 

The scheme includes the installation of 90,000 solid wall measures and allows local authorities to define specific eligibility criteria through flexible options.

Overall, the Eco4 Grant Scheme plays a crucial role in the country's decarbonisation efforts. 

By providing free support and implementing a whole-house retrofit approach, the scheme aims to improve energy performance, reduce running costs, and contribute to the transition to a low-carbon future in the UK.

Eco4 Grant Scheme Features

Renewables focus and heating replacement cap

One of the key features of the Eco4 Grant Scheme is its focus on renewable energy sources and the shift away from traditional gas heating systems. 

Properties that currently rely on electricity for heating will benefit from the installation of air source heat pumps or other

Eligibility and Targets

Eligibility criteria for private and social housing

The Eco4 Grant Scheme aims to provide support for both private and social housing, as long as certain eligibility criteria are met. 

For privately owned or rented properties, the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) must be rated D to G. 

Additionally, at least one of the occupants must receive a mixture of means-tested benefits and be on a low income.

In the case of social housing, eligibility is not dependent on personal circumstances. 

As long as the property is rated E, F, or G on the EPC, support can be provided. 

If the property is rated D, Eco support can still be granted subject to the installed measures achieving Innovation status.

Annual Bill savings and solid wall measures targets

The Eco4 Grant Scheme has set ambitious targets to achieve significant energy savings for customers. 

Across all obligated energy suppliers, a total of £224 million in annual Bill savings is required to be achieved over the four-year period. 

This is against a budget of £4 billion that will cover the installation costs.

Furthermore, there is a specific focus on installing solid wall measures. 

Previous obligation energy suppliers are required to install 90,000 solid wall measures throughout the obligation period. 

This presents a significant challenge, considering the need to insulate a large number of properties that previously relied on loft and cavity wall insulation.

To ensure flexibility and adaptability in meeting the targets, the Eco4 Grant Scheme allows for almost 50% of the overall obligation target to be delivered through flexible ability. 

This means that customers who meet a local authority's defined and bespoke eligibility criteria can qualify for support. 

Additionally, local authorities can accept referrals from NHS clinical commissioning groups and local doctors for individuals suffering from cold-related illnesses.

The targets and eligibility criteria set by the Eco4 Grant Scheme demonstrate a commitment to providing energy efficiency measures that not only reduce

Flexibility and Social Impacts

Flexible eligibility and referrals from healthcare providers

One of the key features of the Eco4 Grant Scheme is its flexibility in eligibility criteria. 

The scheme allows for a range of means-tested benefits and low-income situations to

Funding and Local Benefits

Securing funding and exploring external funding streams

One of the key aspects of the Eco4 Grant Scheme is securing the necessary funding to implement energy efficiency measures. 

The scheme provides a significant budget of one billion pounds, which is a substantial increase from the previous schemes. 

This increased funding allows for a greater number of households to benefit from the scheme and supports the aim of reducing running costs, lowering carbon emissions, and improving associated health problems.

In addition to the allocated budget, there are also opportunities to explore external funding streams. 

Local authorities and registered social landlords can collaborate with other organisations and apply for additional funding to supplement the Eco4 Grant Scheme. 

This proactive approach can help maximise the impact of the scheme and reach a greater number of eligible households.

Local job creation and economic benefits

The Eco4 Grant Scheme not only provides support to households in need but also brings about local job creation and economic benefits. 

The scheme requires collaboration between energy suppliers, local authorities, and registered social landlords, creating opportunities for local businesses and contractors to be involved in the implementation of energy efficiency measures. 

This involvement can lead to job creation and economic growth within the community.

Furthermore, the scheme's focus on whole-house retrofitting contributes to local regeneration efforts. 

By improving the energy performance and thermal comfort of properties, the Eco4 Grant Scheme helps create warm, efficient, and well-ventilated homes. 

This not only reduces running costs for eligible households but also enhances the overall quality of life within the community.

Overall, the funding and local benefits provided by the Eco4 Grant Scheme have a positive impact on both individuals and the community as a whole. 

It enables households to access energy efficiency measures without a financial contribution and contributes to the UK's decarbonisation objectives. 

Additionally, the scheme supports local job creation and economic growth, fostering a sense of pride and well-being within the community

Summary of the Eco4 Grant Scheme

The Eco4 Grant Scheme is a significant step towards addressing the challenges of whole-house retrofits and providing support to low-income households. 

With a budget of one billion pounds, the scheme aims to assist 450,000 private sector households in reducing running costs, lowering carbon emissions, and improving associated health problems.

Securing funding for the scheme is crucial, and the allocated budget provides a substantial amount to cover installation costs. 

However, there are also opportunities to explore external funding streams, allowing local authorities and registered social landlords to collaborate with other organisations and supplement the Eco4 Grant Scheme. 

This proactive approach maximises the impact of the scheme and extends its reach to more eligible households.

The Eco4 Grant Scheme not only benefits households but also brings about local job creation and economic benefits. 

Collaboration between energy suppliers, local authorities, and registered social landlords creates opportunities for local businesses and contractors to be involved in implementing energy efficiency measures. 

This involvement contributes to job creation, economic growth, and local regeneration.

Overall, the Eco4 Grant Scheme plays a vital role in enhancing the quality of life for individuals and communities. 

It provides support to households without a financial contribution, improves energy efficiency, and contributes to the UK's decarbonisation objectives. 

With its focus on whole-house retrofits and local regeneration, the scheme promotes a sense of pride and well-being within the community.

By implementing the Eco4 Grant Scheme, obligated energy suppliers reaffirm their commitment to reducing carbon emissions and supporting those who cannot afford the transition to a Net Zero future. 

This comprehensive approach to tackling energy efficiency challenges marks a significant step forward in building a greener and more sustainable future for all.

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Martin Smith

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*A single adult with 1 child £19,900 A single adult with 2 children £24,800 A single adult with 3 children £29,600 A single adult with 4 or more children £34,500 Couple with 1 child £27,500 Couple with 2 children £32,300 Couple with 3 children £37,200 Couple with 4 or more children £42,000 *The Child Benefit income thresholds (this is the maximum amount that the household can earn before tax in the financial year in order to qualify) Correct at time of publishing so you should confirm these prior to proceeding with your application.

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