www.eco4.agency - Eco4 Agency

Date Protection Policy

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Policy (UK)

Last Updated: 23.11.23

Welcome to Eco4 Agency. This GDPR Policy outlines our commitment to ensuring compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and protecting the privacy and rights of individuals using our lead generation services.

1. Data Collection and Processing:

1.1 Lawfulness, Fairness, and Transparency: We collect and process personal data lawfully, fairly, and transparently. We only collect data that is necessary for the purpose for which it is processed.

1.2 Purpose Limitation: Personal data is collected for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes. We do not process data for purposes incompatible with those for which it was originally collected.

2. Types of Data Collected:

We collect the following types of personal data for lead generation purposes:

  • Contact Information: Name, address, email address, and phone number.
  • Demographic Information: Age, gender, preferences, and interests.
  • Financial Information: Credit card details (if applicable) for payment processing.
  • Other Information: Information related to the products or services you are interested in.

3. Data Security:

3.1 Security Measures: We implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction, or damage.

3.2 Data Minimisation: We ensure that personal data is limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed.

4. Data Subject Rights:

4.1 Right to Access: Data subjects have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not their personal data is being processed, and access to that data.

4.2 Right to Rectification: Data subjects have the right to have inaccurate personal data rectified, or completed if it is incomplete.

4.3 Right to Erasure (Right to be Forgotten): Data subjects have the right to request the erasure of their personal data under certain circumstances.

4.4 Right to Object: Data subjects have the right to object to the processing of their personal data under certain circumstances.

5. Data Sharing and Third Parties:

We may share personal data with third-party service providers and business partners only for the purpose of providing our lead generation services. All third parties are carefully vetted to ensure compliance with GDPR.

6. Data Breach Notification:

In the event of a data breach, we have procedures in place to detect, report, and investigate any personal data breaches promptly.

7. Data Protection Officer (DPO):

We have appointed a Data Protection Officer who oversees compliance with this GDPR policy and other data protection laws.

8. Contact Information:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our GDPR policy or the processing of your personal data, please contact our Data Protection Officer at contact@eco4.agency.

Thank you for choosing Agency Supplies Ltd Trading as Eco4 Agency.

We are committed to safeguarding your privacy and ensuring the secure and lawful processing of your personal data.